Tag Archives: shake

Search my heart…Search my soul…

Wow, where do I begin!? There has been tremendous changes going on in my life. From January to now and I know God is not yet finished. He has filled my year with so many changes and blessings at the same time! I can not begin to explain all that Lord has done for our family! Chris and I have learned many new things and have began many new ventures.

In January I asked God to shake up my life and certainly he did. Although I wasn’t aware of how He was going to do it or how I was going to react, I was ready for all things new. And so it began…

He started with my HEALTH…

I was officially diagnosed with PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in the year of 2007. I was well aware something was wrong with me since the age of 13 but I never put enough thought to take care of it. I took for granted my age and single hood. I didn’t think about children on a mature level until I was married in November 2006. I remember at the age of 13 telling my mother that I felt I was going to adopt a child when I was married, I didn’t understand the reasoning behind my logic. Yet my body was telling me something wasn’t right inside.

In January 2011 my husband and I decided we were going to start trying to conceive. My Doctor told me it was going to take a year or so because of PCOS. She also informed me that my body is more prone to miscarriages and infertility in general. However, she is a Doctor that only God could place in my life. In our talk she encouraged me and instilled faith that God would grant me the desires of my heart. She takes care of me as if I was one of her own children. I could not ask for a better Doctor. Even when I have the smallest worries, they are just as big to her as they are to me!

It has been a journey that I am grateful for. I continue to tread and hike through it all, knowing that God has it all under control! Since 2007 I have gone through Doctor’s appointments, ultrasounds, weight gain and loss and gain again and loss again, medication, roller coaster emotions, lifestyle changes, hopes and doubts, and now finally… I have come to the crossroad of HEALING. At my most recent Doctor’s appointment my Dr had informed me that my diagnoses had gone down from a medical diagnoses to a clinical diagnosis!!! I can only attribute this miracle to God, there is no other that would be able to HEAL me!! I can’t thank God enough for the things He is taking care of in my life! My husband has been the biggest and greatest support in it all, always loving and supporting me. He takes care of me like royalty, just as a true child of a King and I in turn love him just the same! I am happy to say that I believe God is going to grant us our desire sooner than we think. Although pregnancy tests are negative, I know that one day we will see a positive sign! We are waiting patiently and excited for the little Croce’s that God is going to send us one day soon!

Next, God ventured into our SPIRITUAL WEALTH…

There has been big changes in our lives with our church family. We were once apart of an organization that I wish not to name, as it would not benefit myself nor any parties involved. I was born and raised in the said particular organization and appreciate the teachings and preachings. We must always walk away with the good, rather than the bad in any given situation. If for the sake of your own sanity, it must be done. God has taught me not to confine myself to the walls of a building, yet rather to confine myself to Him and Him only!

In 2008 the Lord led us in a new direction, a direction of teaching from Him for the fulfillment of the future He had in mind. The Pastoral leadership I was under from birth to adulthood was Pastor Luciano Montes, he will always have a special place in my life. He was one of the greatest teachers I have ever received good Word from. From 2008 – 2011 we continued to serve at Divine Strength Apostolic Center under the leadership of Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez. We were under his leadership for a total of 12 years. It was a leadership that God knew needed to be implemented in our lives and was also an encourager for me personally in regard to my secular educational studies.

We are more than happy and excited to say that we are now apart of my father’s congregation “Adonai Worship Ministries”. God has fulfilled His plan and we are overjoyed! My father has always had the calling to be a Pastor, being that he was a Pastor’s son God had placed a special anointing over him. In 2008 he expressed to us that we were going to be on a new path and how God was working with Him. The path we are on as a family is incredible. We were all ready and willing and are so grateful that God placed us on this new direction together. Chris and I know that God is calling us to a new level and can’t wait as it unfolds before our eyes. Our church family is beautiful and to see God’s work grow is all the better! If you would like to keep in touch with our church and see our events you can find us on facebook, just click the link:

This ministry is of the people and for the people. There are doctrinal points and holiness standards. Let us not confuse holiness standards with man made traditions. Modesty is key, as defined in the Webster Dictionary 1: freedom from conceit or vanity. 2: propriety in dress, speech, or conduct. In the end, it will all come down to your relationship with God, not with man. When we go to Heaven God will not be asking us what we did to further the kingdom of man, yet rather what we did to further His Kingdom!

…Now, he has not just stirred my life… he has SHAKEN IT… just as I asked of Him! He has literally tore the ground up from beneath me and is reconstructing my life! I know there are other adventures that are being completed and yes it is not all peachy keen. However, it is definitely REWARDING! I am so grateful for the purpose He has placed in my life. I am content with all the shaking going on because I know when the dust settles, and the city get’s rebuilt… it’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL THING!

For He searched my heart and searched my soul… He is answering my prayers one by one. His timing is perfect, my impatience creates a mess but He is creating a masterpiece out of it all!!

When the bulldozers in life start coming around, (and yes there will actually be people driving them that you wouldn’t think would be behind the wheel…) start putting on your work boots because it’s time for reconstruction. It’s time for your new creation in God! Fear will set in but take ahold of your courage and build on it!

-Jen Croce 😉


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